
We all have them, secret places on the web that we go to find bits of code or tools that help make our jobs easier, but very few of us have a central place to find them. - all those bookmarks that never follow us to new jobs.

That's why I started this page, to catalog all the resources i've collected - coding, design, inspiration, social media, strategy, and tutorials - so that not only I can find them, but also the Salesforce Marketing Cloud community at large. Here you'll be able to find inspiration, help, and industry leaders that will help you to succeed.

Be sure to bookmark this page and visit it often.

* Clicking on these resources will take you to a new page. if you should happen to find a dead link, please let me know.

These are my go to resources. I can always find something to help me with an issue or troubleshoot something!

  • The AMPScript Guide: I find it better to use the printed version, but often go to the site for lots of stuff. (I also work with one of the writers!)
  • Always find new content from Ivan. Mostly centered on AMPScript and SSJS.
  • Mateusz Dabrowski: Mateusz always has excellent content and new thoughts on his site. Mateusz and I have had a few text based conversations over the years!
  • Sprignature Moves: The personal blog of Adam Spriggs, commonly referred to as "the god of SFMC".
  • Title Case: I often use this site to determine how headlines, subject lines and, section headers for client facing materials should be formatted.
  • Medium Slalom: The content that the company I work for contributes is top-notch.

coding | design | inspiration | strategy | tutorials


Guide to CSS Support in Email - Campaign Monitor
A breakdown of CSS support for popular mobile, web, and desktop email client

CSS In-liner and Text Version Creator - Premailer
Use this site to inline your css and to create better looking text versions of your emails.

Email on Acid
Testing platform and much more. The blog is full of coding and design tips.

Adaptive buttons
CSS resource for adaptive buttons on the mailchimp blog.

3 Ways to Remove Unwanted Gaps Between Tables in Outlook 2007 and 2010
Great blog post from the team at email on acid.

Email Monks
Devoted to designing and coding beautiful email templates.

Email Design Review
Designer tips and html tricks like using html5 in email.

Shape Catcher
Ever need a shape and don't know what it's called or know the the html or ascii code, this site allows you to draw the character or shape and it will return similar images, along with the codes.

Add to Calendar
Ever needed to include an "add to calendar" link in your emails, and get stuck with all the responses in your inbox of those attending, this site takes that pain away - built for websites, there is also a worksheet to include the code in your html emails, great for webinars. (Appears to be owned by MailChimp now.)
coding | inspiration | strategy | tutorials


Smashing Magazine
German designer blog that provides the web-community with tons of information.

Antwort Responsive Email Designs
A repository for responsive email designs/templates that uses tables instead of float for better rendering and results.

The Complete Guide to Designing for Email
Found on the tuts+ website (last updated 2013)

Responsive Email Patterns
Brian Graves has a collection of responsive email patterns over on get hub, can't say that I've used them in full but I have drawn inspiration from them to overcome design and coding challenges.

Email Critic
They give the bloody truth about email marketing.

Newest findings on email testing and analytics.

marketingexperiments blog
Experiments on optimization and research results.

coding | design | strategy | tutorials


Inspiration for email marketers comes in all forms and from a lot of sources - from modern design elements to unique print ads. We are able to look at something and say, that would make a great email. Luckily some enterprising designers and developers have taken the approach of warehousing great emails.

Really Good Emails
If you haven't been to this site, you don't know what you're missing. The best of the best emails are displayed here - some you can even look at the code!

Movable Ink
Email news, research and best practices, along with an "emails we love" and "campaign of the week" section.

Copy Blogger
Get tips on creating killer content and valuable market insight.

Email Audience
Great site to find quality information on the different facets of email.

Style Campaign
Superb design tips for optimization.

coding | design | inspiration | tutorials


SPAM Resource
Al Iverson, yes THE Al Iverson, maintains a blog for deliverability and all things email. You may recognize his name if you still use ExactTarget in situtations.

Most marketers have heard of this and it's one of the go-to spots for strategy and help, also a lot of downloads.

An esp, but like all the esp's out there they maintain a blog that is full of information, and you don't have to be a customer to get to it

What started as an email testing platform has turned into an industry leader for email metrics and information.

Campaign Monitor
A geat esp that makes it easy to attract new subscibers, but also a wealth of knowledge.

Constant Contact
Another esp, but they have a blog full of of fresh insight and email strategy

eCRM and Email Marketing Blog
Deliverability, email tactics, landing pages, list management, and email design.

coding | design | inspiration | strategy


Creating a Simple Responsive HTML Email
Found this one the tuts+ website.

Cool site that offers up advice and how-to's.